Saturday, September 10, 2011

For sale

We just put our house up for sale this week. It is a great opportunity to trust the Lord for His perfect timing and good grace in our life. We have been praying fervently not just for a quick sale but for the peace to trust in God's good will for us even if the house doesn't sell for months. I'm already practicing what I'm going to preach.But how could you resist this advertising campaign?We've been cleaning and de-cluttering like mad. I think the interior of the house looks the best it has ever looked. Isn't this room to die for? That's what our realtor says. :)The hardest part is to keep the place looking like this with the boys and girls wanting to touch everything and put things everywhere like kids do. I am constantly following them, wiping down mirrors and putting everything back in its place.When we have a showing, we usually get a few hours notice. So we frantically tidy up and then clear the facilities like it's some emergency evacuation procedure.This picture just cracks me up. How did we shrink our dining room table? It must be a magic camera.

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