Thursday, September 29, 2011

The enemy of leadership

One of my favorite blogs is Matt Perman's What's Best Next. He had a great post on the opposite of leadership - complacency. I think it's not just the opposite but the enemy of leadership. Complacency attacks, battles and wars against leadership. It fights against change. It fights to maintain. It fights what's new, what's different, what's uncomfortable.

I've been surprised to realize that at the heart of complacency is fear. I used to think it was laziness or simply old habits. But I've come to realize that it is fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of losing prestige or position or authority. Feeling like it's good enough, that I'm ok or that we don't need to go over the top are all signs of complacency. Complacency is truly the enemy of leadership.

For the full post - click here.

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