Saturday, October 9, 2010

We're done!

This weekend, I finished painting the last touch up spots on the house and shed! We're done! The brushes are cleaned and put away, hopefully, forever.Here's the shed. And below is the metamorphosis of our house in 2 1/2 years:This is April 2008 when we saw it for the first time.Oct 2008 - new roof, no shrubs and removed a tree.July 2009 - 2 construction vehicles, 2 tons of gravel and lots of digging.The end result? A waterproof basement but we lost any curb appeal we may have had.Oct 2010 - It's amazing what some paint, a new screen door, some shutters, a new lawn, a little castleblock border and some new shrubs can do for a place! It feels like we live in a whole new house. I just realized that it pretty much is a whole new house.Here's the side view. Praise God we're finished! For now...

1 comment:

Judy said...

Love it! Looks so clean and spiffy! Love the red door on the shed too! You guys did an awesome job.