Monday, October 25, 2010


Sandy took 10 years of piano lessons. I took almost 1 year. But I also took almost 10 years of violin lessons. And we both love to sing. Music is definitely a big part of our lives. So we want all of our kids to learn the play the piano and read music at the very least. The only problem? We don't have a piano...until now!Actually, we did get a piano earlier this year. However, it was not quite our style...Some friends from church were moving and giving it away. I didn't realize what I was getting into when I thought I could re-finish it.Thankfully, I won't have to worry about that project because some other friends had a piano that was ready to play! So now we're ready to go. The boys and girl have been "playing" it non-stop. Let's see if they still like it once piano lessons really begin!

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