Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

I know, I'm late. It's been a hectic but very fun week in CA. We got to see a ton of our extended family, some of whom we have not seen in about 4 years. We have entered that stage in life where a lot of our cousins have kids. Some of those kids are brand new to us, others have gone to HS or even college unbeknownst to us. Where have we been?First we saw some of my side of the family. My family is a little spread out all over the world and have never had regular gatherings. So this is just a few of the cousins.In contrast, Sandy's side of the family gets together every year. We are missing a couple, but it was a full house nonetheless. The boys and girl really love getting together with their cousins even if it's just once a year. On the drive home, I asked the boys and girl what the best part of our trip was. I expected them to say the presents or time with their grandparents. Actually, one of them did say presents, but Andrew said, "Family reunions!" Who knew?


Carissa said...

Wow those kids are all SOO cute. So glad the boys and girl can have some cousin time!

nancy smith said...

This is the most entertaining and significant blog I've ever read!You all are blessing us as well as making us laugh.