Friday, January 6, 2012


New Year's Day is a big holiday for Koreans. Most families have a big gathering and eat rice cake soup. Most of these family gatherings for me always seemed to end up with the adults talking in Korean and the kid cousins hanging out in another room.

One of the big events was seh-beh where the kids bow to the grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. I always looked forward to this as a kid because after you bow, the adults give you money. It's been fun watching my own kids bow to my parents and my in-laws and other relatives and participate in a tradition that I did and many generations did before me.

This year the boys and girl got to participate in seh-beh with both my family and Sandy's. The girls are supposed to bow a certain way which is different than the boys. They are saying a phrase in Korean which means "May you receive many blessings in the New Year."

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