Yet for some reason, this move has been the hardest of them all. Maybe it was arriving on Sat night and starting all our kids at a new school on Monday. Maybe it was moving from a small town where everything is 5 minutes away to figuring out how things work in a city of about a million people. Maybe it's that this is the 11th move and Sandy and I are too old for this. :)
God blessed us with a wonderful send off from our previous church in KS with encouragement, meals, gifts and help. He also blessed us with a wonderful reception from our new church in ABQ with hospitality, encouragement, meals, help unpacking and a wonderfully renovated parsonage. And when I think about it, we are very much moved in and almost settled into our new place in only 4 days. We've found everything that we packed away except for Sandy's study Bible. The boys and girl are adjusting very well to their new school. I really couldn't ask for more.
But unfortunately, I really am a wicked sinner and I do want more. I want internet access at my house. I want to know where everything is in the new house. I want to know how to get everywhere in the area. I want to settle into my office and work and live as if I had worked and lived here all my life.
I was convicted this morning that I have been letting the pressure of getting settled, getting ready for family coming tomorrow and getting ready to preach next week rob me of the joy of my salvation. I have been focusing on what I need to have and do to get ready for next week rather than on the truth that God is good and does good, matter what my circumstances are.
So while I wouldn't wish a move on anyone. If you do go through it, I hope that God uses it to transform your heart and increase your dependence on our glorious Savior as He has for me.
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