Wednesday, January 27, 2010

99 Balloons

99 Balloons from Igniter Media on Vimeo.

Warning: Don't watch this unless you have Kleenex ready.

This video brought out a lot of different thoughts and emotions for me. But I will share two:

  1. I am absolutely amazed at how God used such a difficult human tragedy to bring glory to Himself. Even though I have never experienced something so profoundly difficult, I shouldn't be surprised that God used tragedy to bring glory to Himself considering how many times He has done that in the past as recorded in the Bible, but I am.
  2. I am utterly humbled at how blessed I am to have been given 3 beautiful and precious children. Matt has been struggling with hives for the past 6 months almost every day that often drive him to tears. Lately, the hives have been on his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe. It is painful as a parent to watch him in such discomfort. But after watching this video, I realized that I have no right to demand anything from God. He has given me 5 years with Matt's sweet smile and endearing personality. No matter what happens tomorrow, I don't deserve to be his dad or to have been given everything else I have received. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

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