Friday, April 6, 2012


In the spirit of the Presidential elections this year, our home is having elections too. The kids wanted to have home elections for some reason so we are in the campaign process.The person with the most votes gets to be President. Each person in the family has 10 votes and can vote for anyone with those 10 votes. Guess who wants to be El Presidente?The person with the 2nd most votes gets to be Vice-President. Matt wants that position. But do you know why? So that when the President dies, he'll be President. He apparently likes the indirect route.The 3rd place winner gets to be Senator. Emery wants that position. So far we've had some campaign interviews with the press, and we've been collecting signatures to get on the ballot. Everyone has qualified. I think my job is to count the votes and Sandy will announce the winners. We'll let you know when we vote and elect the offices.

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