Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Do you remember that movie from the 80's? Remember that scene at the end when the few people left alive were trying to barricade themselves in the compound while the Aliens were trying to get in and get them?

Hudson: [Knowing that the Aliens are close, Hicks and Vasquez are welding the door shut] Movement. Signal's clean. Range, 20 meters.
Ripley: They've found a way in, something we've missed.
Hicks: We didn't miss anything.
Hudson: 17 meters.
Ripley: [Checking the tracker] Something under the floor, not in the plans, I don't know.
Hudson: 15 meters.
Newt: Ripley.
Hicks: Definitely inside the barricades.
Newt: Let's go.
Hudson: 12 meters.
Ripley: That's right outside the door. Hicks, Vasquez get back.
Hudson: Man, this is a big signal.
Hicks: How are we doing Vasquez, talk to me?
Vasquez: Almost there.
[They welded the door shut, and stepped back away from the door]
Vasquez: They're right on us.
Hicks: [Waiting for the Aliens] Remember, short controlled bursts.
Hudson: 9 meters. 7. 6.
Ripley: That can't be; that's inside the room.
Hudson: It's reading right man, look!
Hicks: Then you're not reading *it* right.
Hudson: 5 meters, man. 4. What the? They're coming out of the walls!

Now I don't recommend this movie for children or for the squeamish, but it sure does capture the sentiment around here.
I'm not sure what Andrew is saying or why. But there were only 2 moths in that window yesterday. Now there are 10 or so just in the window. But it's worse. The moths are in the house now - 20 meters, 12 meters, 7, 6, 5 meters, 4. They're coming out of the walls! Actually I don't know what they're coming out of, but they are in the house. And momma don't like it, not one bit. She's sitting in the dark at this moment, hoping they don't come near her.

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