Tuesday, February 28, 2012

#7 - Lady Jane Grey

I was looking around for biography to read and found Lady Jane Grey: Nine Day Queen of England by Faith Cook in one of book boxes (still haven't unpacked all my books yet!). I got it free at a conference a while back.It is the story of Jane Grey who was crowned queen of England for a grand total of 9 days. Unfortunately, she was caught in the aftermath that was Henry VIII's life. She was collateral damage in the middle of political power struggles and religious power struggles. It was a very sad story.

After Henry VIII's son, Edward VI, died unexpectedly, Jane was basically forced against her will to be queen at the age of 15 so that the Duke of Northumberland could be the de facto ruler of England. Unfortunately, the rest of the nation saw Mary I, the eldest daughter of Henry VIII, as the rightful heir and proclaimed her Queen after just 9 days. Mary was known as bloody Mary for her systematic destruction of protestants in her attempt to return England to submit to the Pope's rule. Eventually, Jane was beheaded by Mary for her "attempt" to steal the crown that was rightfully Mary's.

What was fascinating was understanding more of the back story to this biography which was the English wing of the Reformation. I was also very impressed by Jane's true faith in Christ in the face of death. Though many switched sides from Protestant to Catholic depending on the winds of power, Jane stayed true to her Savior and Lord even unto death. She had very impressive thoughts and words for a girl who was martyred at 16.

There were many martyred saints mentioned in the book including the good pastors - Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley. As they were led to the stake to be burned in 1555 for their faith in Christ alone by grace alone apart from the Mass, Latimer said, "Be of good comfort Master Ridley, and play the man; for we shall this day light such a candle by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out."

It was a tragic time in history. But one that saw the power of the Word of God work in mighty ways as the Bible was translated to the language of the common tongue and got into the hands of everyday people. Many saints truly suffered and died for their commitment to the Bible and to the true Gospel. I often wonder how I would have responded if faced with death or the death of my family for my faith. Sobering indeed.

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