Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Grand Canyon

I went to the Grand Canyon when I was a kid. I can't remember it, but I have a picture before the days when you could photoshop it in the background so I know it's legitimate.
I'm not sure how you could forget this, but somehow I did. The one thing that struck me was how the Canyon looked like a picture. It was odd. We were there. It was real life. But it looked like a picture.
I wasn't sure how the boys and girl would react to it. Andrew and Emery were quite impressed. My favorite response was Matt's - he was following us to the first lookout point. As is typically of a 7 year-old boy, all he could focus on was the path about 5 feet around him. Then all of a sudden, he looked up and saw the canyon and said, "Whoa!" God's creation amazed him.
We even did a little hiking down into the canyon. It was just a few minutes, but little kids and the edge of the canyon were not a good mix so we didn't go far.
It was a fabulous day. And it was Emery's birthday when we went. She turned 6 at the Grand Canyon.

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