Saturday, July 14, 2012


After barely getting settled into our new house, we went on a little trip to Flagstaff, AZ. We planned this trip months ago, before we knew we were buying a house. It was kind of odd timing. But in God's sovereignty, He knew we could use a week in the mountains.
The elevation of Flagstaff is close to 7,000 feet. But unlike Albuquerque, it's forest not desert. This was the view out of our hotel balcony. Not too shabby, eh?
On top of the lovely forest, we also had high mountain peaks - the San Francisco peaks going up to 12,000 feet. I spent every morning out here, eating breakfast and reading my Bible. It was a great place for my quiet time.
The boys and girl liked eating outside too. We ate quite a few meals out here.
We even got to catch a few sunsets. You can practically see the peace and relaxation, can't you?

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