Friday, July 22, 2011

My little girl!

I can't believe my little baby is going to Kindergarten in just 3 weeks! What on earth is going on?! She's getting her school supplies and got her backpack this week. She's a little bit excited and wore it all day. Of course, it's a princess backpack. I need to buy some stock in Disney. I've already invested plenty into all their merchandise with more to come I'm sure!Isn't it hilarious how the backpack is almost as big as she is?

1 comment:

OrganizingMadeFun said...

What's funny is we got Rachel a backpack and her teacher this year asked not to even have them because she didn't have the space to store them during the day! The class sizes are so big they don't have enough hooks! Oh, well...

She looks great! Can't wait to see her pictures on the first day!

Becky B.