Monday, January 28, 2013

Quality time

A pastor's schedule is often a tricky thing. I have great flexibility during the day, Monday through Friday. It's very convenient that I can manage my own schedule and take care of things. This is great except for the fact that the boys and girl are in school during the day. The evenings are also tricky because they have schoolwork or extra curricular activities now, and I often have meetings.

Another challenge is my weekends are often very inflexible. Sunday used to be a relaxing and refreshing day often doing things with extended family when I was a part of the secular workforce. But now, Sundays are very busy and often very exhausting work days. Saturdays used to be family day trips or work days, now they are a mixed bag. I usually do my last preparation on Saturday evenings for my sermon the next day and the kids need a rest day after a busy week at school. We're still figuring out how to make it all work.

But I have made a concerted effort to maximize quality time with the boys and girl. Quality time requires quantity time. So this past weekend, we were silly together.
Matt and Emz love getting shaved. They usually don't need the full shave, but they were grizzly that morning. :)
We also pulled out a 1,000 piece puzzle. I like to relax and work on these every once in a while. They wanted to "help" me. It didn't turn out as relaxing with all that "help"! But it was fun to work on it together. If you're wondering where Andrew was, he was reading most of the day. I do get to spend quality time with him every week, taking him to basketball practices and games. He wasn't neglected!

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