Saturday, August 27, 2011

So close...

Last week, Sandy had a talk with Matt about his eternal destiny. I think it came up as we were flying on the airplane to Albuquerque. Apparently that put the fear of God in him, and he was asking me all week to talk to him about becoming a Christian.So last night, we had the talk. I started out asking him what God is like. His answer? God is holy, great, shiny and sparkly. He understood his sin before this holy God. His specific sins included being mean to his sister, playing when he should be doing his chores, lying and stealing (mostly juice boxes and candy from our home stash). He understood the penalty of his sin - the lake of fire. And he believed that his sin was put on Jesus who died on the cross for his sin and rose again on the 3rd day. He understood that Jesus was fully man and fully God.

He was a little confused on the imputation of Christ's righteousness to him (and still is). But I explained to him that when he becomes a Christian, God gives him a new heart, the Holy Spirit lives in Him and he becomes a part of God's family. We prayed together, and he said afterwards that he had tears in his eyes because he was so happy!

At our family Bible time that night, I told the news to the other kids and do you know what their reaction was? Andrew was happy for him and gave him a high 5. Emery started bawling! "That means that they are both Christians, and I'm not! Why am I the only one who's not a Christian?!"

The one thing I forgot was to ask him if he died, where would he go? So I asked him that today. And he said, I'm not sure. After further probing, he understood the Gospel and that if you believe in that you become a Christian and go to heaven, but he wasn't sure if he believed. He wanted to learn more and felt like he wasn't ready to become a Christian after all. Oh so close!
With Andrew, he was confident and ready and had no hesitation, before or after. With the younger 2, they both seem to want it. They know the Gospel for sure. But they are both really unsure. They also are both a bit younger than Andrew was when he professed faith though. Hopefully God will save their souls soon.

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