Thursday, February 4, 2010

Everyday Emporia

Some of the things that I encounter on a typical winter day here in Emporia:
1) Superheroes:These are Matt's "swords" that he uses to fight the forces of evil each day.

2) Homeschool:Andrew complained that Matt and Emery were being too noisy and that he couldn't concentrate on his schoolwork. His solution was to wrap 3 scarves around his ears. He wasn't happy about it though.

3) Winter wonderland:
I woke up to find the landscape covered in a beautiful white layer of frost.

4) Sick kids:Poor Emery she's been sick since yesterday. She spent the day coughing and feverish. However, she did enjoy getting the royal treatment from mom and her brothers. Andrew even wiped her nose for her when she sneezed! Matthew hand fed her small pieces of tangerine during lunch. They were good big brothers today.

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