Monday, March 10, 2014

Matt 2013

 I'm not sure how this happened, but 2014 is almost 1/4 done, and I still haven't done my recap for Matt's 2013. Time keeps flying by. But I think 2013 was another good year for Matt.

In some ways it seems like Matt really grew up while in others, he's the same little Matt that he was when he was 2!
He definitely has started acting "cool" and loves to wear his shades.
He still has his love / fear thing with animals. It really showed up when we had Gabe for that few weeks. Even though Matt wants to play with animals, they can sense the fear in him.
He's still quick and fast but has got his balance issues. He acts like such a little kid still skipping around all the time, avoiding stepping on lines or cracks on the sidewalk and racing to the nearest mailbox.
He still loves his big bro.
And pals around with his dad.

He can be a quirky little dude. He started piano this year. He's shown some real aptitude with spelling and math. And he's grown as a hard worker too, taking on the daily job of loading the dishwasher.
Thankfully for mom, he still loves to cuddle with her.
And he's still buds with Emz. Matt's got a real gift of being able to get along with everyone. He gets along well with everyone in our family. He makes friends in school. He makes friends at church. He's just a likeable guy. Praise God for that gift!
We thank God for the gift He has given us in Matt. Love you bud.

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