Saturday, May 4, 2013

More of God's kindness

If we truly believe in the sovereignty of God, then both the trials and "coincidences" of life are really evidences (in different ways) of God's kindness to us. This weekend, I was blessed with the opportunity to go to a Paul Tripp marriage conference called "What Did You Expect?" After hearing about my situation, the person in charge got both Sandy and myself tickets to attend as well as tickets for our children to attend childcare. What a blessing from someone I didn't even know!
The conference was excellent in and of itself. If you have not read any of Tripp's books, please do. If you ever get an opportunity to attend a conference, please do. If you are a pastor, please read Dangerous Calling. I finished it last December and here's my take on it. It is a must read for pastors.

We had a great time at the conference with some great brothers and sisters in the Lord. It's always better to learn in community. And during the conference, several people whom I never met and a few that I barely knew, came up to me to let me know that they were praying for me or to offer help. God's kindness through His saints never ends! He is so good.

And to top it all off, I got invited to a special luncheon to hear Paul speak to ministry leaders. It just so happened that I sat right next to him! This was no coincidence, but a divine, providential act of kindness. Now obviously, Paul Tripp is no more holy than I am. He is not greater in God's eyes. He's a sinner saved by grace just like me. But it was a special blessing from God during this difficult time in my life to have this fun and cool experience.
Thanks so much Cathy Miller (and Bob!) for being God's instrument to bless me in such a marvelous way!

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