I have been reading in Ezekiel in my quiet times lately. And I came across this verse today:
Ezekiel 18:32 "For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies," declares the Lord GOD. "Therefore, repent and live."
This verse is set at the end of a chapter where the Lord rails on the wickedness of Israel. He is the just judge who righteously punishes all sin. And this chapter follows 17 other chapters pronouncing woe and judgment on the sinful idolatry of the nation.
Even though God is holy and perfect and has righteous anger for those who sin against Him, he takes no pleasure in executing that justice. Even though He of all people should be happy that the evil are given the justice they deserve, He wants sinners to repent and be saved. And He doesn't just want repentance like I want ice cream. It is not a passing fancy or even a good thought.
He demonstrated this desire with a love that still boggles my mind. How could He kill His own Son to save me? Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
Sinclair Ferguson wrote, "When we think of Christ's dying on the cross we are shown the lengths to which God's love goes in order to win us back to Himself. We would almost think that God loved us more than He loves His Son. We cannot measure His love by any other standard. He is saying to us, 'I love you this much.'
"The cross is the heart of the gospel; it makes the gospel good news. Christ died for us; He has stood in our place before God's judgment seat; He has borne our sins. God has done something on that on the cross which we could never do for ourselves. But God does something to us as well as for us through the cross. He persuades us that He loves us."
Isn't it good to know that you don't have to earn God's continued love? You already have it.