Saturday, June 23, 2018

Father's Day

I have had the joy and the privilege of being a father for 16 years now. It has truly been one of the hardest but most fulfilling blessings of God that I am so fortunate to have.
Ever since I was a teenager, I have looked forward to being a dad. I have looked forward to playing with my kids, to talking with them, to teaching them God's Word, to guiding them in the smallest things of life like how to talk to adults or how to play music or how to play team defense in basketball, to the bigger things of life like how to choose a career or how to be a generous person, to the biggest thing in life - how to love and live for Christ. Fatherhood has not disappointed. It truly is one of the most rewarding and satisfying and is the most fun thing to pour my life and heart into the souls of the boys and girl. I am starting to see the end of this phase of fatherhood as the boys and girl have become / are turning into the young men and young woman. It's so bittersweet to see them becoming independent and being proud of who they are growing into while at the same time, not wanting them to grow up and selfishly wanting them to be home with me as the boys and girl forever. Thank you God for allowing me to be a father and for being the perfect Father to me and to my children.

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